33 @6e garden of Scenic Featuresfi'l‘he first sensation of the traveller on viewing the Island is that of wonder. “ Earth has not any- H thing to Show more fair. A low-lying land, in strange contrast with the rocky boldness of the adjacent continent, arises out of the sea, its red shores crested with verdure of peculiar greenness, presenting a scene almost tropical in its richness. True, there is no grandeur, save in the roaring surf by which the northern coast is lashed, or where red cliffs are moulded into fantastic shape by the lovely restless sea; but its pastoral beauty is pleasing. It is a land which soon be- witches the tourist. He is charmed with its clear skies, its sunny days and cool nights; and he is invigorated with each breath of its odorous air. ' The Island contains no desolate spots or waste places. Ever-changing vistas of beauty delight the eye. Rich meads and fertile fields, with glimpses of the silver sea, succeed graceful hills and pleasant glades and brooks purling through copse and tangled fern. The great park, green and restful, cooled by ocean spray, and fragrant \vith spruce, wild flowers and new-mown hay, welcomes the tourist. A summer holiday in Prince Edward Island will be a revelation. Resting-Places.—VVhile the whole province is a great resting land, “\Vith spots of sunny openings, and with nooks To lie and read in, sloping into brooks," there are some particular summer haunts which have become popular. To the vacationist, Charlottetown and Summerside —the two gateways to the Island—may ofi‘er attractions enough, since they are radically different from the hot, bustling hives of the continent, and they may be made headquarters from which delightful jaunts can be taken. Summerside is in the midst of a beautiful country, and affords good outing facilities. Not far away is the Dunk River, a famous fishing stream, where many piscatorial beauties have been killed. From a hill behind the town—it is but two miles from shore to shore herefione of the prettiest views in Canada can be 5 ©arzuélu