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"The Beautiful South Shore.—But to those who prefer a less—ozonized atmosphere, the South Shore offers attractions. The Pleasant View Hotel, Hampton, and other houses, are popular. At Hampton there is every diversion, and the hotel, built on high ground, has extensive views of land and sea. This place is reached by steamer or carriage from Char- iottetown.
Numerous clean and intelligent families will also receive tourists, and if the menu be not as varied as that at the hotels, the guest may depend upon getting the richest cream and the most golden butter imaginable, tOgether with an abundance of -all the good things furnished by fertile Prince Edward Island. Several citizens of the Great Republic have erected houses for their own use, and come here year after year to participate in the delights of this enchanting land. The best drinking-water in the world, a wild and Cultivated strawberry season extend- ing from the first ofjuly until late in August, with raspberries and other small fruit of an equally good quality closely follow- ing; pretty and quaint subjects for the camera at every turn, with the free use of “dark rooms" in Charlottetown for the development of pictures (or the option of having the work performed at a trifling cost)—these are a few of the minor attractions that prospective visitors might make a note of.
Climate.AThe summer climate of Prince Edward Island is exquisite, and as Jacques Cartier described it,“of the best temperature, which it is possible to see.” Singularly free from extremes of heat and cold, there are not, as a rule, the sudden changes which are experienced on the mainland ; and its summer heat—it is a sunny land~is always tempered by the cool, salt breath of the sea. With the mercury alternating between sixty-five and eighty degrees, how delightful the days! and after the golden evening deepens in the west, how cool the nights! The winter is not unpleasant, but the springs, owing to ice along the shores, are often backward. Of such brightness and beauty is the summer, however, that
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