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Facts for Sportsmen.~—Prince Edward Island affords neither large game nor extensive salmon fly—fishing, and the very best sport can only be had before and after the tourist season. Yet there is good trout-fishing in June, July and August, and fair shooting may be obtained before the tourist departs for home.
Trout and Salmon.—The Morell is the best fishing- stream on the Island, and is most conveniently reached from Peake’s Station, twenty-two miles from Charlottetown. Second in order comes the Dunk, best reached from Summer- side. Other good trout-streams are the Tignish, Midgell, Pierre Jacques, Miminigash, Percival, Enmore, Kildare, Bon- shaw, Wheatley River, Bell’s, Winter River, Sturgeon, Murray and Fortune, near Souris; also at North Lake, East Lake and other salt-water ponds and lagoons along the north shore. The Fortune trout are far-famed, and are taken by fly early in June. Good trout may be killed at Trout Point at the entrance to Charlottetown Harbour, in the East and North Rivers contiguous to the city, and very often off the wharves and Victoria Park. The rivers are not large or deep enough for salmon-fishing with the fly; but salmon are netted in the spring at Saint Peter’s Harbour and other north-shore places. They enter the rivers in September and October to spawn, and occasionally have been caught in the Dunk and Morell by fly. Good deep-sea fishing—mackerel, haddock, and halibut, etc.—can be had during June, July and August, about three miles from the coast.
Shootingvln September is first heard the honk of the wild goose; and it stays until the ice arrives, returning again in the spring, which is the best time for shooting. The best shooting is at Egmont Bay, Malpeque, Cascumpec, Saint Peter's, Savage Harbour, and Rustico. Brant-shooting is concurrent with that of the goose ; and there is plenty of it in spring and fall, althoughiMay is the best time. The black