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duck season opens August 25th, and its strident quack may be heard in any of the ponds and salt-water lakes that fringe the northern shore. Of sea-ducks there are many varieties— large, black and white, loon, teal, and cock-a-wie, but they are often fishy. Migratory sea-fowl are plentiful. Partridges (rufl'led grouse) are diminishing, although the close season of a few years ago proved beneficial. They can be shot along the railway line. Snipe, woodcock and different species of plorer, can also be had. Rabbits, or rather hares, which turn white in winter, furnish excellent sport.

“There is good trout-fishing in June. July and August."

On some streams parties hold fishing leases, but permis- sion to fish can readin be obtained. There are no restrictions other than the government regulations and the game laws (which appear elsewhere); and the hospitable Islanders do not greatly object to trespassers in pursuit of game and the finny tribe. The recently-formed Fish and Game Protection Association is doing excellent work in the protection of g-ime and fisheries, and in the prevention of poachimr. However good the Sport has hitherto been, tourists will find it still better in the future.