39 @5e Garden of How Prince Edward Island is Reached—Not many decades ago, Prince Edward Island was far removed from the tide of tourist travel. But in these later days the con- tinent has grown smaller, and more rapid transportation facilities have brought the Island within twenty-four hours’ travel of Boston or Montreal. From either of these cities —convenient. starting-points—there is a pleasing diversity of routes. Thetourist may leave the great Canadian metropolis daily, either by the Lntercolonial Railway skirting the noble Saint Lawrence and through the far-famed Metapedia Valley on to Point (In Cherie—a panoramic feast all thrOugh; or else by the Canadian Pacific Railway through the State of Maine—a route slightly shorter than the Intercolonial, but not so rich in scenic splendour—~and thence via Saint John and to Point du Chene as before. From the last-named place one of the fast and finely equipped boats of the Charlottetown Steam Navigation Company—the Nari/zumlzerland—conveys the tourist to Summerside where connection is made with the Prince Edward Island Railway for all Island points. The trip on the Nari/lu/IIber/and is one of the most delightful that can be imagined; and the menu is the best that the Island—that land of good things—affords. The boat is a twin-propeller, 230 feet long and 33 feet beam, specially built for the route, and covers the thirty-six miles in two hours and a half. Should the tourist desire a water trip he may leave Montreal by one of the excellent boats of the Quebec Steamship Company, the Black Diamond or Dobell lines, passing historic Quebec, and down through the Saint Law- rence with all its wealth of scenery, direct to Summerside or Charlottetown. From Boston there is a still greater choice of routes. By the All-Rail Line, Boston to St.john (daily except Sunday), thence via the Intercolonial Railway to Point du Chene, one can reach Charlottetown in twenty-four hours. If a sea voyage be preferred, and time is not of paramount import- ance, the tourist may take passage on one of the boats of @drzaaa