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pay the following yearly taxes:——life insurance companies, $225; fire insurance companies, whose head office is not within the province, $150; fire insurance companies, whose head ofiice is in the Island, $75; accident and guarantee companies, $50; trust, loan and building associations, $225; telegraph companies, $375; banks, with head ofiice in the Island (if more than one office), $500; banks, with head office not within the province. $1000; gas or electric com- panies, $100; Charlottetown Steam Navigation Company, $200; other steamship companies, with head office within the province, $100; express companies, $150; breweries or distilleries, $500; and all companies and associations, whose principal oflice and organization is not within the province, doing business in the Island, other than those mentioned above, $100.
The above taxes are payable half-yearly at the Provincial Treasurer’s office on the first day of june and the first day of December.
Throughout the country, male persons between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years pay an annual road tax of one dollar, with twenty-five cents for each horse over three years old.
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Prince Edward Island‘s excellent educational system is the result of hard labour and of great sacrifices 0n the part of our forefathers. The good work begun long ago has been continued, and to-day the fine schools and numerous school-houses all over the country, testify to the toils of the early days.
The school system, which is free, is under the control of a board composed of the Chief Superintendent of Education, the Principal of the Prince of Wales College and Normal School, and the members of the Executive Council. There are