@rirzce Edward. 54 @090?) salaries may be supplemented by local assessment. Those employed previous to 1896 are, after a service of five years, entitled to a small bonus. The total number of teachers in 1905 was 5,0; of school districts 473; and of schools 475. The number of pupils 11 as 19,272, and the average daily attendance was 11,627. The total expenditure for education by the provincial government was $122,897.08. The Teaching Stafiszandidates for teachers must hold certificates from the Board of Education, based on examina- tion, and on at least five months’ attendance at the Normal School. These certificates are first, second, and third class. The number of teachers employed, according to class, in the year 1905 was as follows: CLASS I. ‘ CLASS 1]. CLASS “1.» TOTAL , _ 1 Male Teachers 51 i 131 64 246 Female Teachers 1 73 161 90 1 324 Totals 124 i 292 l 154 j 570 The following statement shows the educational growth from the year 1833: ‘ PUPILS i VFAR ‘SCHOUL‘; PUPILS YEAR 1$CH ‘IrLS PUPILN~ i VHAR iSCHUUL> 1833 i 74 2,176 1871 i 381 15,795 ‘ 1899 N468 21,550 1837 5| 1,649 T 187+} 403 1841 121 4,356 :‘ 1878 ‘ 465 474 20,779 i l l i ‘ 19,240 1901 1847 125 5,000 iii 1881 , 486 ' 21,601 ‘ l 1 l i 1 I 18,233 1900 468 21,289 I902 47-1 20,803 1851 135 5,366 1 1887 ; 437 , 22,460 , 1903 480 19,956 1856 268 11,000 1 1891 i 531 22,138 1904 480 19,031 1861 302 12,102 1 1897 l 467 21,845 1905 ‘ 475 19,272 1870] 372 15,000 ‘ 1898 l 468 21,852 ‘ i. 1. 1 ...... The principal educational events with their dates are— Arbor day established for the schools, 1885; Central Academy opened, 1836; first board of education appointed, 1830 ; first education act passed, 1825 ; first official inspector of schools