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appointed, 1837; first teachers’ association formed, 1838; free education act passed, 1852; Hillsborough Consolidated School opened, 1905; Macdonald rural schools and school gardens established, 190" ; manual training in operation in Charlotte- town, 1900; National School Opened, 1821; new Prince of Wales College erected, 1899; Prince of Wales College estab- lished,186o; Prince of Wales College and Provincial Normal School amalgamated, and women admitted to the college, 1879; Provincial Teachers’ Association founded, 1887; Pro- vincial Teachers’ Association incorporated, 1896; Provincial Normal School established, 1856; public schools act passed, and a department of education instituted, 1877 ; Rhodes scholarship allotted to Prince Edward Island, 1903; Saint Dunstan’s College opened, 1855.

“Unsurpassed for beauty of situation by any links in Canada."

The Provincial Teachers’ Association meeting annually, and the Charlottetown Teachers’ Institute which meets fort- nightly during the Winter, are flourishing organizations, doing much to promote the cause of education.