@rirzee Edward 56
The following table is a summary of the educational statistics of the province from 1885 to 1905:
Gmcinnit Total
Departments Percentage of Attendance
Emu ed
School i Board 1‘ l
‘ Teachers : Average 1 Attendance
9 :7.
'1 1
(a 0001:.) Ooxlxl-JB
)09.317 36 2827‘ I45 599 111,992 36 787 [148,779 “07485 36,2945 146 7779 108,8461 38,6091 147,455 108,092 ‘ 37,810, 145,902 ? 113,626 37,6101 151,236 1111154 35629447783 1 ”4.570 36,542:151,112 ; 118,106 34,592 152,698 I591937
494 121,983 498 ‘ 22 414 505 22 ,460 , 509 . 227478‘ 518 23-045 1 529 ‘ 221530 ‘ 5311 22,330 , 538 22,169 ‘ ‘ 543 24292, 7 i 553 3 22,221 ‘ , . 4 122,077 37’854l 559 " 22,250 ' . 121,781 39,426} 161,201 569 j 22,138 , . 1, 124,084 34,809'3 158,893 579 7:21.845 , ' . 128,663 32,781‘ 161,444
Ln '41
mm +9. ~4— 0019:»
581 7 21,852 :1 7 . V 129,818 33,135 162,953 157,067 163,168
1 .
582 21,550 - . ‘ 125,530 31,537
586 £21,289 . - 1 129,113 34,055
589 520,779 , 1 .‘ 128,288 36,647 164,935 588 320,803 , , . 127,495 38,827 166,322 572 [91956‘ 1 1231919 ’ 1661617 562 ii 19,031 , 61. H591 121,696 47,069 168,765
I, 570 1: 19.272 ; , i-60 .22 122,897 457695 . 168,592
The number of pupils in the Indian schools of Prince Edward Island in the years 1892 to 1905 was:
l 1 7 1892 43 ii 1897 28 1902 24 1893 43 ‘1, 1898 28 1903 30 1894 33 l I899 24 I904 22 1895 31 1900 22 1905 16 1896 i 33 ‘ 1901 24 ..
Colleges, &c.—The Prince of Wales College and Normal School is undenominational, and dates its career as a college from 1860, previous to which year it was known as the Central Academy. It is situated in Charlottetown
occupy- ing 21 fine building of brick and stone at the east end of the