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medals annually to the students having the highest standing in the three public schools of Charlottetown, and in the high schools at Summerside, Alberton, Tignish, Souris and Georgetown.
Benefactions of Sir William C. Macdonald—Manual training was inaugurated in 1900, and after three years was continued by the provincial government and by the school boards of Charlottetown and Summerside, at which places, as well as at the Prince of Wales College, there are well- equipped departments.
The Macdonald Consolidated School was opened in 1905. It is situated near Hillsborough Station on the Murray Har- bour Railway, and provides, among other things, for nature study, with school garden, manual training and household science. This school is to be maintained by the benefactor for three years. A smaller consolidated school, with school garden, has been established at Tryon. The consolidation movement is making progress, and many similar schools are being looked forward to.
Macdonald Rural Schools. the chief feature in connection with which is the school gardens, were established in 1903 at Central Bedeque, Searletown, Tryon, Emerald and Ken- sington. They will be maintained by the benefactor for three years.
The establishment of departments for nature study, etc., at the Prince of Wales College—a Macdonald gift—is referred to elsewhere.
Rhodes Scholarship—One of the Rhodes scholarships was allotted to Prince Edward Island in 1903, and each year
a candidate has been selected and sent to the University of Oxford.