71 @lfie Garden of @arzuaa declined somewhat, mixed grains and forage crops being introduced instead. To the ravages of the Colorado beetle is also to be attributed the decreased cultivation of potatoes. However, as the soil of the Island is naturally well adapted for the growth of the potato, it must always remain one of the standard crops. A considerable quantity is used in the manufacture of starch. Tumips, carrots, mangels, etc., grow well. Barley is used almost wholly as a stock food; and maize or Indian corn, and peas. mixed with other grains, are cultivated for feeding purposes. “Two hundred and sixty miles of well-managed road.” Three-Quarters of a Century’s Progressgln 182; there were grown 766 bushels of wheat, 10,717 bushels of oats and 47,220 bushels of potatoes. In 1841 there were grown: of Wheat, 160,028 bushels; of barley,83,299; of oats,611,824; of potatoes, 2,250,114 bushels. In 1860 (as shown by the census of 1861) there were raised 346,125 bushels of wheat, 223,195 of barley, 2,218,578 of oats, 50,127 of buckwheat, 2,972,235 of potatoes, 348,784 of turnips, and 31,000 tons of hav.