@rirzce Edward



The yield and value of the fisheries of the province for

the year 1904, was as follows:

KINDS OF FISH QUANTITY PRICE VALUE Salmon, fresh .. 6,400 lbs. 8 0. 20 8 1,280.00 Salmon, smoked . . . . . .5 400 lbs. 0.20 E 80.00 Herring, salted ........ 1 15,206 brls. 4.50 _ 68,427.00 Herring, fresh .......... 750,000 lbs. 0.01 E 7,500.00 Herring, smoked ....... 152,000 lbs. 0.02 3,040.00 Mackerel, fresh ......... 11,350 lbs. 0.12 1,362.00 Mackerel, salted ........ 3,047 lbs. 15.00 45,705.00 Lobsters, in cans ....... 2,501,100 lbs. 0.25 625,275.00 Lobsters, fresh in shell .. 1,533 cwt. 7.00 10,731.00 Dried Cod ............. 16,111 cwt. 4.50 72,499.50 Cod Tongues 99“ Sounds . 70 brls. 10.00 700.00 Haddock, fresh ....... 9,300 lbs. 0.03 279.00 Haddock, dried ........ 955 cwt. 3.00 2,865.00 Hake, dried ............ 6,554 cwt. 2.25 14,746.00 Hake Sounds .......... 1 1,820 lbs. 0.50 5,910.00 Pollock ................ 6o brls. 3.00 180.00 Trout ................. 18,100 lbs. 0.10 1,810.00 Smelts ................ 739,400 lbs. 0.05 36,970.00 Alewives ............. 425 brls. 4.00 1,700.00 Eels ................. 1,350 brls. 10.00 13,500.00 Caplin ................ 100 brls. 3.50 350.00 Oysters ................ 18,006 brls. 5.00 90,030.00 Clams ................ 261 brls. 4.00 1,044.00 Clams, in cases ........ 480 cases 5.00 2,150.00 Tom Cod .............. 2,600 lbs. 0.03 78.00 Squid .................. 360 brls. 4.00 1,440.00 Coarse and Mixed Fish . 435 brls. 2.00 70.00 Fish Oil ................ 6,735 gals. 0.30 2,020.50 Fish as Bait ............ 43,503 brls. 1.50 65,254.50 Fish as Manure... . 1,499 brls. 0.50 749.00

Total. . .. ....................... $1,078,546.00

The number of vessels and boats engaged in the fisheries in 1904 was 35 fishing vessels (641 tons) and 2,055 fishing boats; and the number of men 3,889. The number of lob- ster canneries was 199; traps, 295,976; smoke and fish houses, 164; freezers and ice-houses, 8; piers and wharves, 54; steamers and smacks, 15; and the number of persons employed, 2,817. The value of the lobster $290,990.00; of the vessels, nets, etc., $121,218.00; and of the houses, piers, and steamers, $32,660.00—a total value of $444,868.00.

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