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It has fine livings in farming, stock-raising, poultry, dairying, strawberry and fruit culture (with unlimited markets), oysters, lobsters, mackerel, cod, haddock, herring and smelt fisheries, etc.
Wages are somewhat lower than in other parts of Canada, but living is mug/z c/zcaper.
$1.00 here is as good as $1.25 to $1.3313 elsewhere.
Transfers of Land Titles—Most of the land is held in fee simple, the number of persons who are tenants outside of the city and towns being small. Nearly every man owns his own farm. Land is transferred by deeds which are recorded in the registry office of the county in which the land is situated. The books of the registrars of deeds form the means of verifying land titles at comparatively little cost.
“The beautiful market building of Island stone."