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Lot 16 ................. J. Tuttle and Lieutenants Forbes and Hayter Lot 17 ............................. Messrs. B. and T. Burke Lot 18 ........ Lieut. Col. Robert Stew art and Capt. William Allanby Lot 19 Capt. Walter Patterson (afterwards Governor) & John Patterson Lot 20 ..................... Theod. Haltain and Capt. T. Basset Lot 21 ................... Laughlin McLaine and Lieut. H. McLaine Lot 22 ....................... . .. John Gordon and Capt. W. Ridge Lot 23 ..... .. .. .................. Messrs. A. and L. McLean Lot 24 .................. Lieut. Col. Charles Lee and F. McLaine Lot 25 ........... . . . . .......... A. Kennedy and James Campbell Lot 26 ..................... Lieut. J. Stewart and Major Gordon Lot 27 . . . .................. Messrs. Seale and Spence, Merchants Lot 28 ..................... . . . . . . . Captain Holland, Surveyor Lot 29 .............. . .......... Vice-Admiral Sir C. Saunders Lot 30 ................ ... ............. .. . .John Murray. Esq. Lot 31 ................................. Adam Drummond, M. P. Lot 32 .......... William Young, Commissioner of Lands, West Indies Lot 33 . . . , ......... . . . ............ Richard Worge, late Colonel Lot 34. . . . . -, ...................... . ........ John Dickson, M. P. Lot 35 .................. .. .. ................ Alex. Maitland Lot 36. . . . ................... Messrs. Spence and Mill, Merchants Lot 37 ............................... Captains Spry and Baker Lot 38 .................................... .Col. Simon Fraser Lot 39 ................................... Col. James Abercrombie Lot 40 . .Messrs. Spence and Mill, Merchants, and Lieut. George Burns Lot 41 . .. .. ........................ .Col. John Campbell Lot 42 . . . ....................... Lieut. W. McDonnell and others Lot 43 ......................... Sir George B. Rodney Lot 44 ..... “William Fitzherbert, M. P. and R. Campbell, Merchant Lot 45 ........................ William Burt, M. P., and J. Collender Lot 46 ........................... Alex. Fordyce and Robert Gordon Lot 47 .................. Lieut. Col. G. Graham and Robert Porter Lot 48 ........ Samuel Fouchet, M. P., and Lieut. Col. J. Cunningham Lot 49 ...... . _ . . . . . Lieut. Col. Christie and Capt. Jos. Stevenson Lot 50 . . . . . .............. Lieut. Col. H. Gladwin and Peter Innis Lot 51. ........................ .. ...... John Pringle Lot 52 ........ Lt. Col. Stuart Douglas and Lieuts. W. and S. Douglas Lot 53 ............... Dr. Huck, J. Williams and Lieut. G. Campbell Lot 54 ........ . .......... Robert Adair, Surgeon to the King Lot 55 F. McKay, Saml McKay, and H. Findlay, Postmaster, Quebec Lot 56 .............................. L.ord Vis. Townshend Lot 57 ................... Samuel Smith and Captain J. Smith, R. N. Lot 58 .......................................... Joshua Manger
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