@rirzce Edward. 106 dehrfi

Lot 59 ...... . . . Messrs. Mure and Cathcart and Capt. D. Higgins Lot 60 ............................. Messrs. Wrightson and Shaw Lot 61 .......... . . . ... ... ................ Richard Cumberland Lot 62 ........................................ . . . Richard Spry Lot 63 .............................................. H. Palliser Lot 6.1.. ............. . . .. . .............. Col. Richard Maitland Lot 65 . . .. .............. .. . . Richard “'right and Hugh Owen Lot 66 ................................. . Reserved to the King Lot 67. . . . ................................ Hon. Robert Moore


1497. Supposed discovery of Prince Edward Island by John Ca bot.

I498. Supposed discovery by Sebastian Cabot.

1523. Prince Edward Island appropriated by France.

1534. Prince Edward Island visited by Jacques Cartier.

1603. Supposed discovery by Champlain.

1663. Granted to Lieut. Doublet.

1719. First colonists from France.

1720. Port la Joie settled by the French.

1728. Influx of Acadians from Nova Scotia.

1745. Invasion by New England troops.

1758. Taken possession of by Great Britain.

1763. Prince Edward Island occupied by the English.

1763. Ceded to Great Britain and placed under gov't of Nova Scotia.

1764. Earl of Egmont's memorial re scheme for settlement presented to the King.

1764. Samuel Holland's survey.

1765. Lieut. Haldimand drowned December 16.

1767. Island disposed of by lots.

1768. Charlottetown founded by Morris and Deschamps.

1768. Walter Patterson appointed Governor.

1769. St. John (P. E. I.) becomes a separate province.

1773. Constitutional government granted and first Assembly met.

1775. Governor Patterson visits England.

1779. Petition of Assembly for forfeiture of lands of proprietors who failed to carry out conditions of settlement.

1780. Proceedings commenced for recovery of quit rents.

1781. Land sales ratified.

1786. Gov. Patterson recalled, and Gen. Fanning becomes Governor.

1791. Royal Gazette established.