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(a). Any partridge within the coming in force of this Act and the first day of October, I908; and thereafter between the first day of Decem- ber of any year and the first day of October oflhe following year.

(b). Any teal, black or blue-wing duck, plover or yellow—legs, be- tween the first day ofjanuary and the twentieth day of August in each year. ,

(c). Any woodcock and snipe between the first day ofjanuary and the first day of October in each year.

(d). Any wild goose between the tenth day of May and the fifteenth day of September in each year.

(e). Any brant between the tenth day of June and the first day of October in each year.

(f). Any hares or rabbits between the first day of March and the first day of September in each year.

(g). Any martin or otter between the first day of April and the first day of November in each year.

(h). Any shore or other birds on or along the beaches, shores, or marshes bordering the tidal waters of the Province between the first day of January and the twentieth day of August in each year.

Sec. 4. Everyone is guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty of not exceeding $25.00 and not less than $1.00, who 2

(a). Buys, sells, offers for sale or has in possession any game or the eggs of game birds during the close season for such game, unless killed in the open season; the onus of proof of which to be on the party hav- ing the same in possession.

(b). Allows his sporting dog or dogs to run at large in the woods between the first day of March and the twentieth day of August in each year, or at any other time without his master or owner while in pursuit of game.


Sec. 5. Everyone is guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty of not exceeding $25.00 and not less than $1.00, who. at any time or season hereafter, in any part of the Province :—

(a). Hunts, wounds, kills or destroys any birds, not being game birds, excepting hawks, English sparrows, owls and crows, except as permitted by Sec. 22 ofthis Act.

(b). Snares or sets snares for any partridge.

(c). Disturbs or injures the nest or egg~ of any kind of bird men- tioned in this Act other than those excepted in sub-section (a) of this section, or as permitted by Section 22 of this Act.

(d). Exports or attempts to export any game taken or killed in this Province, except wild geese and brant.