121 @152 Garden of Sec. 18. The inspector or any constable or policeman who has reason to suspect that any game, or nest or eggs of game birds, is, during the close season for such class of game, concealed or stored in any game-bag, box, parcel, wagon, sleigh, or other receptacle, is here- by authorized and empowered to open,or cause to be opened, any such receptacle, and to search the same, and to seize and confiscate to His Majesty, on sight, any such game, nest, or eggs found therein. Sec. 19. The members of the Game ASsociation are hereby appointed game wardens, without pay, for the enforcement of the pro- visions of this Act. Sec. 22. A certificate may be issued by the game inspector to any person upwards of eighteen years of age, permitting the holder thereof to collect birds, birds' nests, eggs for scientific or educational purposes. Before such certificate is issued the applicant must file written testimo- nials from two well-known scientific men, or two well-known education- alists, certifying to his good character and fitness to be entrusted with the privilege. Every applicant must pay two dollars for the expense of issuing the certificate. But if he shall be proven to have violated any of the provisions of this Act, said license shall forthwith be can- celled and not again renewed. Such certificate shall be in force for one year only and shall not be transferable. ADDENDA Since the printing of the foregoing pages, the following changes have occurred and additional facts have been ascertained : Page 21.—lee Land Question .- The total acreage of lands unsold, including lands held adversely or by occupiers and lessees who have not purchased, is 44,374 acres. Page 39.—Add to list of steamers carrying tourists from Montreal to Charlottetown and Summerside, the Steamship Restig'ouche of the North American Transportation Company. Page 50.—For Tax on Peddlers, substitute: Peddlers on foot and with horse pay yearly $20.00. Page 51.——For Tax on Banks, substitute the following: Banks (a) when average volume of business exceeds $2,500,000.00, a tax of one- twentieth of one per cent, or a minimum tax of $1,600.00; (b) when the average volume of business does not exceed $2,500,000.00, a tax of one- fifteenth of one per cent, or a minimum tax of $1,000.00. Page 51.——Add: Stockbrokers (a) whose head office is not within the province, doing business in this province, $150.00; (b) whose head office is within the province, $100.00. Pages 85—87.—The correct close seasons for lobster and oyster fish- ing will be found on page 118. See also literature issued by the Prince Edward Island Fish and Game Protection Association. 16 @aqudu