Prince Edward Island Sax-den Ymn'mce o’i C.’ .nada 4% 7,, ‘ 5 V KO THE TEACHER f 0 I C Q 1 it)“ The aCCOmp;fiy1ng Hand Book of Prlr L} arabIsland9 compiled by tr.VZH.Cross-fil 52 -af been recommended bv the Board tk‘ 0}‘avcatlcn for use b" the Teachers in . ' 1 u ' "'_.>‘ ‘ J. PUDllC ScLocls 13 the preparation of' 11, . . .. oral lessmns on thls Province to ven to their pupilé. HE('()NJI nu.‘ -‘,-. ‘ CHARLOTTETOWN, P. E. I. ML'RLEY & GARNHUM, STEAM PRINTERS & BOOKBINDERS 'I’Q‘fi'n d0 AHVHSH um I’\Cl"1'1 nfi 'I'Cl 'J