HIS HAND—BOOK, like its first edition issued in 1899, was suggested by the numerous inquiries received at the Legislative Library from abroad, respecting the tourist attractions, history, and sociological features of Prince Edward Island. In the compilation of the work—touching as it does upon many subjects—every available material has necessarily been taken advantage of; credit being given (except in one instance by inadvertence) where the language of others has been adopted. The chapters on agriculture, oyster-fishing, etc., were submitted to and revised by ex- perts ; and to these gentlemen, as well as to all others who kindly authenticated and furnished facts, sincere thanks are tendered. The preparation and issuing of the book—under— taken at the request of the Premier of the Province—has occupied a period of nine months; and although the work has been performed under adverse circumstances—mainly after office hours and co-incidentally with exacting official duties—the compiler believes that the book will be found reliable and up-to-date.