HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE - Geographical Situation - - Geological Features. Peat -

The Sand Dunes - - -

HISTORICAL SKETCH - Struggles between England and France Efforts at Colonization - ~ Early Settlements A -

The Land Question - - Armorial Bearings -

GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF P. E. I. - The Royalties - Prince County—’l‘owns and Villages - Queen's Cou[my—Charlottetown King’s County - -

THE ATTRACTIONS OF BEAUTIFUL ABEGWEIT Scenery - - Summer Resorts - - - P. E. Island seen through American eyes Facts for sportsmen—trout and salmon Shooting -

Climate - - - - How P. E. Island is reached -

SOCIOLOGY - - - - Population - - The Indians of P. E. Island » SY"SIEM OF GOVERNMENT - The Provincial Government - - The Franchise - - Revenue and Expenditure - - Taxation, Land, Income, other Taxes


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