CONTENTS vii PAGE TRANSPORTATION—RAIL AND WATER ROUTES —ROADS, &c. P. E. I. Railway 93 Water Routes, The Winter Ferries — 94 At the Capes - - — 95 Highways - - - - 96 Telegraphs, Telephones, etc. - 97 WHO SHOULD COME TO PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 98 Transfer of Land Titles - - 99 HISTORICAL AND STATISTICAL APPENDIX PAGE Attorneys General, Chief Justices - 100 Speakers House of Assembly - I - - 101 Speakers Legislative Assembly - - 101 Presidents Legislative Council - - 101 Provincial Premiers — - - 102 Governors . - - - 102-103 Provincial General Elections held since Confederation 103 General Assemblies since 1873 - - - 104 Statement showing Revenues and Expenditures of the Province of P. E. Island for the years 1868 to 1903 - - — 105 List of American Consuls since the Consulate was established in 1858 — - - 106 Statistical Tables of Manufacturing Industries 107—108 Charlottetown Market Prices - - 109 Fisheries—Value of the yield since 1873 109-1 10 Fishing and Game Laws - — - 1 IO Game Protection — — - - 1 IO Table of Distances - — — I I 1-1 12 Meterological Table - - - I I 3 Hotel List - - - — I I4 List of Boarding Houses - - - r r 5 Map of Prince Edward Island