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Prince Edward Island


In the great bay of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and separated from the Con tinent by the Northumberland Strait, lies the Province of Prince Edward Island—the “low and beautiful land" that Cartier saw in 1534. It is situated between 46“ and 47 °7’ North Latitude and 62° and 64° 27’ West Longitude. and is distant from New Brunswick at the near— est point 9 miles, from Nova Scotia 15 miles. and from Cape Breton 30 miles. In form the Island is an irregular crescent, concaved towards the north, with such an exceedingly indented coastline that no part of the country is far distant from the sea. The principal high lands are a Chain of hills which traverse the country north and south between DeSable and New London Bay. The Island is 140 miles long. from 2 to 34 miles wide, and contains an area of about 2,184 square miles or 1,397,991 acres.

Geographical Situation