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On the one side a representation of a large spreading oak with a shrub under it and this legend or motto underneath : l’arva sul) ingenti,‘ and this inscription round the circumference, ‘Sigillum Insulae Sancti Johannis in America“ and on the reverse, His Majesty’s Arms, Crown, Garter, Supporters, and Motto‘ with this inscription round the circumference ‘Georgius Tertius Dei gratia, magnae Britanniae, Franciae et Hiberniae Rex, Fidei Defenson Brunsvici et Lunaehurgi Dux, Sacri Romani linperii Archi— Thesaurarius et Elector.’ "

This seal, modified by order of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, in Councilof the 4th February, 1839, as regards the inscription‘ to suit the altered personality of the Sovereign and the change in the Island's name, has ever since continued to be the Great Seal of the Province.

The Coat»0f-Arms of Prince Edward Island is the only Canadian one which has a motto.