General Description of Prince Edward Island {JHE Province is divided into three Counties—Prince, ‘fl‘ Queen’s and King's, sub—divided into 14 districts or parishes as follows: 1x PRINCE IN gt'isaN‘s IN KING’S North Parish Grenville ‘St. Andrew’s Egmont Hillsborough St George’s Halifax Charlotte St. Patrick’s Richmond St. John’s East Parish St. David's Bedford The parish lines are but little recognized, the more general sub—division being by lots or townships of which there are 67 running numerically from west to east. The At the time of Holland’s survey, a capital town Royalties in each county was laid out, the supposed most suitable site for a future city being selected—and to each of these town sites was attached a royal domain or district called a “Royalty", and also a Common. In Prince County, Princetowu and Royalty, containing an area of 4.000 acres; in Queen’s, Charlottetown and Royalty, 7,300 acres, with a further reservation of 520 acres for Fort Amherst (now \Narren Farm‘): and in King's County, Georgetown (Les Trois Rivieres) and Royalty, 4,000 acres, were surveyed and laid off. The intention was that the man who held a lot in the town should be allowed a lot in the Royalty for pasturing purposes; and the Royalties accordingly for a distance of two miles from the town [16]