The Attractions of Beautiful *Abegweit

”This Land has a spell to Enchant me.

Where’er you walk, cool gales shall fan the glade ; Trees where you sit shall crowd into a shade; \Vhere’er you tread, the blushing flowers shall rise,

And all things flourish where you turn your eyes." —P0/>e

HERE will come occasionally to the world-weary tourist . visions of a beautiful land in the midst of the cool sea —a land fanned by healthful breezes, a land of green hills, purling brooks and fertile fields. The crowded fashionable watering places have lost their charm for him and he yearns for some Elysium where rest in its fullest sense can be ob— tained. Not very far from the big cities in these days of quick travel, there exists a charming island—an ideal summer resort—uninvaded as yet by conventionalism, where the days are one long happy holiday and the nights give balmy sleep. Let the discontented summer pilgrim flee the hot city and the superficial life and make Prince Edward Island the Ultima Thule of his journey, and there he will find the land of his dreams—a lovely restful Isle. The Island and its summer will be a revelation to him, and he will return again and again to be soothed by the welling of the bell—toned streamlets, and kissed, now by the cool saline breeze from the circling sea and anon by the soft winds deep-scented from the meadow thyme. The tourist’s first View of the Island in its summer garb is one that will never be forgotten and “time but the impression deeper makes. As he


* The Indian name for Prince Edward Island, meaning Home on the wave ; " it was also called by the Micmacs Floating Beauty.
