3\\\rac\‘\m\s oi 3mm“ Rbeqwe‘w approaches the coast a glorious pageant opens up before him. From out the sail—flecked sea arises a land of almost tropical loveliness “ A long low line of beach, with crest of trees, With openings of rich verdure, emerald—lined,” and on the pearly flood laying the ruddy shores is mirrored an azure sky—the colors red, green, and blue, intensifying and beautifying each other. The appearance of the land is wholly unlike that which the tourist has just left behind. True, it lacks the element of grandeur, being devoid of the romantic boldness that characterizes much of the Gulf shore. But it is graceful with hills and dales. with here and there through fir and spruce enchanting glimpses of silver streams, or charming lakelets mirroring the encircling woods ; and it is picturesque and pleasing everywhere. The scenery is of sweet pastoral simplicity resembling that of England, and the undulating expanse is thickly dotted o’er with comfortable homesteads which in many cases are surrounded by trimly kept hedges imparting an air of great neatness. The peculiar greenness of the fields and meadows rivals that of the Emerald Isle itself, and presents a scene of rare beauty. And invading the land everywhere, and moulding the red cliffs into fantastic shapes, is the lovely restless sea. The all-too— short summer months unfold a series of beautiful pano- ramic views from the living green of June to the yellow sheen of August‘s waving grain, and then the golden hues of autumn. Summer \Vhile the whole Province is a great vacation land, Resm’ts “ With spots of sunny openings, and with nooks To lie and read in, sloping into brooks, " there are some particular summer haunts which have become popular. To the vacationist, Summerside and Charlottetown ——the two gateways of the Island—may offer attractions enough since they are radically different from the hot [23]