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bustling cities of the continent. and they may be made headquarters from which many delightful jaunts may be taken. Summerside. attractively named. is situated in the midst of a beautiful country and affords good summering facilities. Not far awav is the Dunk River. a famous fishing stream, where many piscatorial beauties have been killed. From a hill back of the town—it is two miles from shore to shore here—can be had one of the prettiest views in Canada —-on the north the extensive Richmond Bay with its Islands, and waters shimmering in the summer sun ; and on the south, the Northumberland Strait. specked with sails and girdled in the distance by the mainland hills. Char— lottetown also has charming suburbs and surroundings. Rocky Point, Keppoch, and other places on River and Bay are noted resorts and the “ Surf-land" is but a few miles away. Enjoyable excursions by steamer and pleasant drives through pretty scenery can be had: and horses. sail and row boats may be hired at cheap rates. Souris and Georgetown. too, are pleasant places. The former village perched on a high bluff, has a magnificent prospect seaward, and is yearly becoming more liked as a summer resort. Within a few miles of Souris is Bay Fortune. one of the Island‘s beauty spots, and the summer home of several well—known actors. Quiet, somnolent, Georgetown—there is something in its very atmosphere that is soothing—is one of the most convenient of outing places. and its superb harbour offers every facility for boating and bathing.
The'majority of tourists, however, go to the North Shore —the concave side of this sun—kissed crescent—to revel in the surf and strong air of that famous region. At Tracadie Beach, Stanhope, Brackley Beach. Rustico and Malpeque are located respectively the “Acadia.” Mutch’s Hotel, the Cliff House, Shaw’s Hotel, the “ Seaside " and the “ North Shore”. These houses are delightfully situated on pretty landlocked bays. where boating. still-water bathing, shooting, fishing, tennis, croquet. and pleasant drives on roads which