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wind through moist cool glades may be enjoyed ad [z'bz'z‘mm At the Acadia there are also golf links. And beyond the bars and the sand dunes the foam-capped surf rolls, and sprays miles of beaches, white and firm, affording the finest sea-bathing in America. The average temperature of the water is about 65 degrees. Out in the Gulf, for those who fancy it, and within an hour’s sail, can be had deep sea- fishing with the hardy toilers of the North Bay. The saline breath of this northern coast is a tonic in itself. These hotels are within easy drive of Charlottetown, Summerside or other railway stations.
But to those who prefer a less ozonized atmosphere, the South Shore ofiers many enticements. The “Florida” hotel at Pownal, and the “ Lansdowne,” at Cape Traverse, are comfortable houses. The “Pleasant View Hotel,” at Hampton, is popular with all who visit it. Here there is every diversion, and the hotel, built on high ground, has extensive views of land and sea. This resort is reached by steamer or carriage from Charlottetown. These, and other hotels (a list of which will be found in the Appendix) as well as many farm houses, welcome and hospitably entertain visitors at moderate rates. Numerous clean and intelligent families will receive tourists, and if the ménu be not as varied as that at the hotels, the guest may depend upon getting the richest cream and the most golden butter imaginable, together with an abundance of all the other good things furnished by fertile Prince Edward Island. Several citizens of the Great Republic have erected cottages —-in one or two cases mansions—for their own use, and come here year after year to participate in the delights of this enchanting land. The best drinking water in the world, a wild and cultivated strawberry season, extending from July Ist until late in August, with raspberries and other small fruit of an equally good quality closely following ; pretty and quaint subjects for the camera at every turn, with the free use of “dark rooms " in Charlottetown for the