Rm‘acfiows oi Bambi“ Rbeng'n
should come here. Numberless trout streams furnish sport for the angler, and deep sea fishing is easily obtainable. In season the disciple of Nimrod will find duck, brant, wild geese, plover. snipe, woodcock and other game birds plentiful. and good bags are not hard to secure.
Accommodation for holiday seekers is provided by several hotels and numerous farm houses in different parts of the Island, but more especially on the North Shore—an ideal place where for fifty miles high sand—dunes bar the sea from the land, and where the unbroken beach of hard white sand affords surf bathing that is unexcelled anywhere in the world.
The glorious feeling of untrammelled freedom which possesses the soul when staying for a short season at one of these hotels “Far from the madding crowd”——but not too far from civilization—is beyond expression. Here will the toil-worn find restful retreats ;
“ The heaven‘s breath Smells wooingly here. “
The days are never hot as we experience heat. and the nights are always cool ; while the glorious fresh air, excel- lent food and a good appetite induced by the breath of the sea, are factors in creating a happy frame of mind and a comfortable bodily state. All the products of the farm as well as the delicacies of the season are to be had at the hotels. And everything is reasonably cheap.
The writer has enjoyed many pleasant visits to the seaside resorts. The perfectly natural life which one may lead at these places is their chiefest charm. For a moderate sum per Week one can enjoy living near to nature in this lzapipy holiday land, with miles of beach to wander upon, a beautiful country to walk or (hive through ; and fishing if you are so inclined. And the greatest charm of all seems to be the fact that the Island is only being “ discovered”. One has almost all the pleasures of a first—comer in Visiting these resorts. The people are so kind, everything is so