“mac’fium oi Bantu“ “negate“
homelike, that the visitor soon feels quite at ease, and conventionalities and “ form” bother him not at all.
The unbounded hospitality of the Islanders is pro- verbial. They spare no trouble to show you around, if they find you would like to see the Island. Do you fish? Well, if your friend cannot go with you, he has a friend who will, and you are forthwith introduced. Next day you have a charming drive in the cool air of the early morn, and catch the lordly trout before the sun gets too high ; returning to town to dream of the strikes you made and to feel again in imagination the “ swish of the line and the click of the reel.” Or it may be that you have been driven over to the “ North Side ”——it is only fourteen miles across the Island—and there you have spent a delightful day, returning refreshed, sunburned, invigorated, and full of the ozone of the Gulf air.
Yes, the people take you as a matter of course, and are nice to you. They make you one of themselves, and you join in their social amusements. You go to Government House at the Lieutenant Governor’s invitation when the British warships are in port, rub shoulders with the jolly sailors, and dance with the pretty Island girls, counting this one more joy added to the store. On other occasions too, is dispensed by His Honor and his lady that rare hospitality which seems indigenous to the Island, and always with a graceful warmth that charms the guest. Indeed, in every home is the same pleasing cordiality noticeable. After the slight reserve, common to all insular people has thawed, one finds the Islanders thoroughly sociable ; and in common parlance “they’re all right.” Society in Charlottetown is represented by no millionaries either in blue-blood or money line ; but it does consist of an extremely agreeable and pros- perous middle class with which it is a pleasure to associate.
Perhaps like many others you will not take the trouble to go outside of Charlottetown during your holidays save for a day or two, because it will seem so quiet, so difierent, so emancipated from the constraints of the rapid life you have