Soc'whgg people. The sessional indemnity is $160, with an allowance for mileage, stationery, etc. The Lieutenant Governor exercises, in regard to matters within the purview of the Local Legislature, the same powers as the Governor General exercises in respect to subjects within the jurisdiction of the Federal Government. The Executive Council is composed of :— Attorney General, (Premier). Provincial Secretary-Treasurer and Commissioner of Agriculture. Commissioner of Public Works. And six Ministers without portfolio. Prior to 1893, there were two branches of the Legisla- ture, the Legislative Council, representing the property holders, and the House of Assembly. The Legislative Council, which became elective by an Act of 1862, consisted of I 3 members from certain large constituencies elected by voters who owned freehold or leasehold property to the value of $325. The House of Assembly consisted of thirty members from smaller constituencies elected practically by manhood sufirage. Now there is but one House—a Legislative Assembly- the result of the amalgamation of the two former bodies,’ which took place in 1893. It consists of 30 members—15 Councillors elected by one body of electors, and 15 Assembly- men elected by two sets of electors, one of each being returned by the 15 Districts into which the Island is divided. These sit side by side and have exactly the same powers. The protection supposed to be given to property holders by the Legislative Council still exists. There is no property quali- fication for either Councillors or Assemblymen. The For electors of Councillors the qualifications are : Frand‘ise “ A British subject—21 years of age—owning prop- erty freehold or leasehold, valued at $32 5, or partly leasehold and freehold, of the value of $325. To have been owned [43]