
The following table shows the Receipts and Expenditures of the Province f01 the year 1903:

RECEIPTS Dominion Subsidy - - $211,931.88 Public Lands - 6,821.95 Commercial Travellers‘ Licenses 7.600.00 Incorp01 ated Companies 13,306 25 Ferries - - - 3,834.02 Prothononotary‘s Offices - 1,801.19 Registry Oflices - - 5,659.89 County Courts 779.31 Provincial Land Tax - - 32,156.00 Road Tax - - 13,240.61 Income Tax - 9,080.67 Succession Duties - - 2, 812. 92

Various other sources of Revenue w_9_,741 .48 $ 318,766.17


Administration of Justice $ 18,933.61 Civil Government - 17,889.07 Education - - - 123,943.92 Ferries - - - 18,311.38 Legislation - - 8,048.41 Roads - - - - 25,415,37 Bridges - - - 15,100.71 Hospital for Insane - 28,510.72 Poor Asylum and Charities 7,689.22 Interest - - - 28,940.48 \Vharves - - - 6,524.61 Dept. of Agriculture - 3,393.85 Exhibition - - 4,000.00 Miscellaneous Public Works 9,698.04 Debenture Sinking Fund 3, 495 00 Various other Expenditures 7,767. 79 $327 662.18

Capital Expenditure 11 ,.575 93

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