Resources or when good dressings of the oyster deposit are applied, these foreign aids may well be dispensed with, at least for many years. ” Of this deposit, Professor Sheldon speaks as follows:—” The Island possesses one advantage which is unique and very valuable. I refer now to its thick beds of ‘mussel mud’ or ‘oyster mud’ which are found in all bays and river mouths. The deposit which is commonly many feet thick, consists of the organic remains of countless generations of oysters, mussels, clams, and other bivalves of the ocean, and of crustaceous animals generally. The shells are generally more or less intact, embedded in a dense deposit of mud-like stuff, which is found to be a fertilizer of singular value and potency. The supply of it is said to be almost in- exhaustible, and it is indeed a mine of wealth to the Island. A good dressing of it secures fertility in a striking manner to the poorest soils; clover grows after it quite luxuriously, and, as it were, indigenously by its aid, heavy crops of turnips and potatoes are raised, and, indeed, it may be re- garded as a manure of great value and applicable to any kind of crop. Nor is it soon exhausted, for the shells in it decay year by year, throwing 03 a film of fertilizing matter. ” Of the total area of 1,397,991 acres, 85.44 per cent, or 1,194,508 acres are occupied, of which 726,285 are improved, or under cultivation. The unimproved land consists of 350,366 acres in forest, and 117,857 acres in various conditions. such as swamp, marsh or waste land, and land in rough or natural pasture. The occupied land is divided between 13,199 farms of 5 acres and over; and 865 lots less than five acres in area, of which the average size is I. 56 acres, 30 per cent are less than an acre each and 70 per cent are an acre or more. The average size of farms is 90.74 acres of which 55.13 acres are improved and 35.60 unimproved; and of the total number of farms, 3 per cent (389) are from five to ten acres in extent, 28.6 p. c. (3,769) are from 11 to 50 acres, 41 p. c. (5,380) are 51 to 100 acres, 23 p. c. (3,030) are 101 to 200 acres. and 4.4 p.c. (501) [66] Acreage