Rosomces are 201 acres or more. The land owned is 97.23 p. c. (1,160,118 acres) and the land leased or rented 2.77 per cent. (33.040 acres) of the whole area occupied as farms ; while of the small area occupied as lots (1.350 acres) 84.52 p. 0. (1,141 acres) is owned and 15.48 p. c. (209 acres) is leased or rented. Almost the whole extent of the land in lots is in an improved state, with 88 p. c. (1,155 acres, of it in crops and pasture and 11 p. c. (149 acres) in orchards and gardens. The land in farms comprises 60.76 p. c. (724,978 acres) in an improved state and 39.24 p. c. (468,180 acres) in an unimproved state. Of the improved land about 62 p. c. (447,094 acres) is in field crops, 05 p. c. (3,564 acres) in orchard and garden, and 284,229 acres in pasture. Forest plantations cover only 28 acres, and ornamental trees have been planted on farms to the number of 71,394 or an average of less than six for each farm. The number of acres in orchard is 3,199, of which 97 acres is on lots. Agricultural According to the census of 1901, the total values value of farm property is $30,434,089, of which land represents $15,148,064 (49.78. p. c.); buildings $ 7,840,444 ( 25.76 p. c.) ; implements and machinery $2,618,597 (8.60 p. c.) ; and live stock, including pure-bred animals, $4,826,984 (15.86 p. c.). Reduced to a farm of the average size (90.74 acres) the value of the property is $2,314 whereof $1,748 is for land and buildings, $199 for imple- ments and machinery, and $367 for live stock. On lots of less than five acres, the value of agricultural products was $54,366 or $62.85 per lot, which is 28.22 p. c. of the $192,624 valuation of lands, buildings, implements and machinery, and live Stock. The rent value of leased lots comprising 15% p. c. of the land occupied, is $5.09 per acre. Farm The total gross value of farm products for 1901 Products was $4,764,674 for crops (64.27 p. c.) ; and $2,648,623 for animal products (35.73 p. c.); making an [68 ]