Resources Products In the year 1901 the products included : Wheat, acres under cultivation 42,318, yield, 738,679 bush. Barley, “ 4,563, “ 105,625 “ Oats, “ 164,472, “ 4,561,097 “ Buckwheat, “ 2,993, “ 49,689 “ Potatoes, “ 33,405, “ 4,986,633 “ Other field roots, “ 8,905, " 3,932,591 “ Hay, “ 181,996, “ 168,326 tons Mixed grain, “ 6,788, “ 227,146 bush. Grass and clover, " “ 9,781 “ Corn in ear. “ 37, “ 834 Beans, “ 33, “ 496 “ Peas, “ 148, “ 2,245 “ Rye, “ 5, “ 65 “ Forage Crops. " 2,027, “ 3,727 tons Flax “ 28, “ 281 bush. Hops “ 2, “ 1 425 lbs. Tobacco “ 1 7 . “ 30,994 “ The average yield per acre of the principal crops for the harvests of 1890 and 1900 was :— 1900 1890 Spring wheat, bushels 17.45 13.72 Oats “ 27.73 19.00 Potatoes “ 149 30 162.50 Hay, tons 0.92 0.88 Stock The breeding of improved live-stock is receiving Ram“! greater attention each year, and excellent animals are to be met with in every section, enjoying immunity from disease to a very large degree. Owing to the ease with which turnips, potatoes, oats, etc., are raised, coupled with the excellence of the hay crop, Prince Edward Island is exceedingly well adapted for cattle feeding. Enough cattle are raised to supply the local market, and considerable numbers are shipped to the neighboring Provinces, and afew to Great Britain. The [7 I ] Cattle