number of pure~bred cattle on the Island is 1106 of the following breeds: Ayrshire 305, Galloway II, Guernsey
65, Hereford 22, Holstein 30, Jersey 260, Polled Angus 48, Short horn 242, other breeds 1 17.
P. E. Island is noted for a fine class of horses, much attention having been bestowed on their breeding; and a steady trade prevails between the Island and the adjoining provinces. Owing to early Government importation of thoroughbreds and cart stallions, which have more recently been followed by many private purchases from abroad, and by the introduction of the Hackney, the horses are regarded as among the best in America, and command ready sale at good prices. In exhibitions of late years held in different parts of the Dominion, Island horses have received a large share of the honors and prizes awarded. The number of pure—bred animals is 166 of the following herds : Blood 72, Clyde 24, Coach 5, Percheran 4, Shire 7, other breeds 54.
This country is well adapted for sheep, the soil being light, dry and sound, growing a thick-set, tender and nutritious herbage. The mutton is of excellent flavor and quality, and the export of sheep and lambs to the other provinces and to the United States. is assuming large proportions, commanding the highest prices. The number of pure—bred sheep on the Island is 973, as follows : Cotswold 52, Leicester 149, Lincoln 26. Oxford 48, Shropshire 589, Southdown 27, other breeds 82.
Great advances are being made in the raising of swine, the introduction of good breeds and the pres— ence of two large and well-equipped packing houses in Charlottetown greatly encouraging the production of hogs ——particularly a good class of bacon—hogs. The number of pure-bred animals is 933 of the following herds : Berkshire 116, Chester 21, Poland China 2, Tamworth 32, York- shire 569, other breeds 193.