“mourns Its Fisheries The fisheries of Prince Edward Island, particularly those on the north coast, are exceedingly valuable, and this industry must always remain one of the standard resources ; although the inclinations of the Islanders are so decidedly agricultural that the culture of the deep has not hitherto received from them the attention it deserves. The yield and value of the Fisheries of this Province for the year 1902, was as follows ' 1 I KINDS OF FISH QUANTITY PR ICE VALUE :3 cts. $ cts. Falmon, fresh ........ .... .. . lbs. 1,700 0 20 340 00 Herring. salted ................ Brls, 20,934 4 00 83,736 00 ‘ fresh ....... .. .., .I_bs.; 557,000 0 01 5,870 00 “ smoked.. .......... “ 2 75,000 0 02 1,500 00 Mackerel fresh .......... .. “ 71,380 0 12 8,565 60 “ salted ............... Brls., 2,329 15 00 34, 935 co Lobsters, preserved 1n cans. . , . Lbs.‘ 2,039,’~03 o 20 407,920 60 “ fresh in shell ..... 1 .th. 224 5 00 1,120 00 Cod, dried ................ ,. “ 28,426 4 00 113,701 00 “ tongues and sounds . ,Brls.‘ 200 10 00 2,000 00 Haddock, fresh ............... Lbs. 6,100 0 03 180 00 “ dried. . . . . .11. th 1,000 3 00 3,000 00 Hake. dried. .1. .......... . “ 6,168 2 25 13,878 00 " Sounds .................. Lbs , 12,970 0 50 6,485 00 Polloek ............... . . Cut 75 2 00 150 00 Halibut ...... . ..... Lbs. 5,200 0 10 520 00 Trout ....................... “ 25,450 0 10 2,545 00 Smelts ...... . ,... . “ 1 401 ,7so 0 05 20,087 50 Alewives or gasperaux . . . Brls. 2,517 4 00 10,068 00 Eels,“ ..... “ 908 1000 9,08000 Caplin ..................... “ ‘ 295 2 00 590 00 Oysters .. ..... “ 20,334 4 00I 81,336 00 Tom cod or frost fish. . .. . Lbs.‘ 7,700 0 05 385 00 8‘ quid. .. 1 Brls. 705 4 00 2,820 00 Coarse and mixed fish ..... “ 800 2 00 1,600 00 Fish oil ............ ..,Galls. 16,037 0 30 4,811 10 Fish as bait ...... . . . ...... Brls. 32,695 1 50 49,042 50 Fish as manure. . . . .,... .... ., “ 895 1 00 895 00 Seal skins ......... . ...V . 1N0. 7,520 2 00 15,040 00 Clams .......... . ...... 11.,Brls., 1,205 4 00 4,820 00 Total ......... ., W‘. ........ l$887,o243o