Resources in Prince Edward Island, for which this province does not receive credit. 11?:aiiscliaarld‘s The Island Province possesses few financial in— Institutions stitutions. Its sole local Bank is the Merchants Bank of Prince Edward Island, occupying a substantial building in Charlottetown. and doing a very successful business, It was incorporated in 1871 and has Agencies at Summerside, Souris, Montague, Alberton P. E. I., and Sydney. C. B. The Sunnnerside Bank, after an existence of upwards of thirty years, was in 1902 absorbed by the “ Numberlcss trout streams furnish sport for the angler." Bank of New Brunswick, which Institution has now Agen— cies at Charlottetown and Snnnnerside. The Union Bank of Prince Edward Island, incorporated in 1863, was amalgamated with the Bank of Nova Scotia in 1883. and is now known as the Charlottetown Agency of that great Nova Scotian Institution. There is also a branch at Summerside. Another Halifax Bank, the Royal, has Agencies at Charlottetown and Sunnnerside. A branch of the Dominion Savings Bank is established at Charlottetown, in which the amount to the credit of depositors at the 31st Dec. 1903, was $1,943,166.72. There are Post Office Saving [92]