Resources Banks at Summerside, Souris, Montague, Crapaud and Tig- nish. An Agency of th( “ Credit Foncier Franco Canadien ” does business in Charlotetown. There is a Stock Exchange at Charlottetown, but ID Loan or Trust Companies. Merchants and The business men of Prince Edward Island ManufactureS- are up-to~"late, and stores with well—selected stocks are found throtghout the Province. In Charlotte- town, the establishments of all kinds are equal to those of any city of its size in Canada, and the window-dressing of many of the stores is execllent. The principal dry goods retailers send buyers direct to England for their stocks, While the large arm} of commercial ambassadors who regularly Visit the Islmd, secure substantial orders. In Charlottetown and Surrmerside, there are large and hand- some establishments in :very line of goods, and competition is keen. The Charlottetuvxz, Summerside and other Boards of Trade in the Provirce. and the Development and Tourist Associations of the City and Summerside are flourishing, influential bodies, a<coznplishing good work. Manufactures are necessarily limited, but they are steadily developing. They include butter, cheese, starch, condensed milk and cofiee, and soap factories, tanneries, grist, saw and wocllen mills, furniture factories, pork factories, lobster and other canning establishments, carriage factories, etc. The census figufes of 1901 touching industries will be found in the Append x. Transportation—Rail and Water Routes—~ Roads, etc. 1,. 5 Island The P'ince Edward Island Railway, 21 part of Railway the Canalian Government Railway System. is a well maintained and ercellently managed, narrow gauge road, [93]