“went“: Provincial Premiers
George Coles, 1851, Lib.
John Hall, February, 1854, Con.
George Coles, July, 1855, Lib.
Edward Palmer, April 1859, Con.
John H. Gray, 1863, Con.
James Colledge Pope, 1865, Con.
George Coles, 1867, Lib.
Joseph Hensley, 1869, Lib.
Robert P. Haythorne, 1870, Lib.
J. C. Pope, September, 1870, Lib-Con.
Robert P. Haythorne, April, 1872, Lib.
J. C. Pope, April 18, 1873 to Sept. 23, 1873. Lib-Con. Lemuel C. Owen, Sept. 23, 1873, toSept. 4, 1876, Lib-Con. Louis H. Davies, Sept. 6, 1876, to March 7, 1879, Coalition. W. W. Sullivan, Mar. 11, 1879, to Nov. 12, 1889, Lib.-Con. Neil McLeod, Nov. 12. 1889, to April 21, 1891, Lib.-Cou. Frederick Peters, April 21, 1891, to Oct. 26, 1897, Lib. Alex. B. Warburton, Oct. 27, 1897, to Aug. 1, 1898, Lib. Donald Farquharson, August 1, 1898, to Dec. 27, 1901, Lib. Arthur Peters, Dec. 27, 1901, Lib.
The Governors of Prince Edward Island have been :— In connection with Nova. Scotia
Montague Wilmot, 1763 to 1766 Lord William Campbell, 1766 to 1770
As a separate Province
Walter Patterson, 1770 to May 1774
P. Callbeck, (Administrator) Aug. 1775 to July 31, 1779 T. DesBrisay, (Administ’r) July 31, 1779 to July 6, 1786 Lient-Gen. Edmund Fanning, July 6th, 1786
Col. J. F. W. DesBarres, July 1805
W. Townshend, (Administ’r) Oct. 21, 1812, to July 13, 1813
Charles Douglas Smith, July 13, 1813 George Wright, (Administ’r) 1825 to 1826 Col. John Ready, Oct. 24, 1825 Sir Aretas W. Young, _ Sept. 27, 1831, to Dec. 1, 1835
George Wright, (Administ’r) May 18, 1834 to Sept. 29, 1834 [ 102 l,