
List of American Consuls 'since the Consulate was established in 1858

Albert G. Catlin, of Massachusetts, Consul for P. E. 1., March 30, 1858, on COnf.

John M. Austin, of New York, Consul for P. E. 1., Sept. 5, 1861, recess.

Jay Haziel Sherman, of Vermont, Consul for P. E. 1., Sept. 30, 1861, recess.

Jay Haziel Sherman, Consul for P. E. 1., July 17, 1862, on conf.

Joseph Covill, of Maine, Consul for P. E. 1., Sept. 15, 1865, recess; Feb. 16, 1866, on conf.

E. Parker Scammon, of Ohio, Consul for P. E. 1., May 4, 1866, on conf.

David M. Dunn, of Indiana, Consul for P. E. 1.. March 15, 1871. on conf.

Peter S. MacGowan, Vice-Consul, Dec. 16, 1870.

Warren A. Warden, of New York, Consul at Charlotte— town, July 20, 1883, recess; Dec. 20, 1883, on conf.

Henry M. Keim, of Pennsylvania, Consul at Charlotte— town, April 16, 1886, on conf.

N. J. George, of Tennessee, Consul at Charlottetown. March 24, 1887, recess; Jan. 16, 1888, on conf.

Isaac C. Hall, of Massachusetts, Consul at Charlotte- town, July 24, 1890. on conf.

Dominic J. Kane, of Maine, Consul at Charlottetown, Oct. 5, 1893, on conf.

Delmar J. Vail, of Vermont, Consul at Charlottetown, July 17, 1897, on conf. -

Frederick W. Hyndinan, of Prince Edward Island, Vice-Consul, Dec. 10, 1880.

Frederick W. Hyndman :1 British subject, V. & D. C., Oct. 9, 1883.

Daniel C. Hickey, a citizen of the United States, V. & D. C., Feb. 8, 1887. .

John MacEachern, a British subject, V. & D. C., Sept. 15, 1887.

John T. Crockett, a British subject, V. & D. C., October 25, 1890.
