Manufacturing lndustries Census 190} TABLE I. Name or kind of Industry ‘ Establishments Capital 13:32:: wigglior IV? stiff; f} s , . .__ l , ,, Prince Edward Island ..... ..... ._ ...i 334 33 2,081,766 3,359 $331,692 $ 1,319,058 Brick, Tile and Pottery ............... . 10 9,450 81 3,954 Butter and Cheese ........... . ...... l 47 123,229 138 27,185 464,032 Carriages and Wagons . . . . . .... .... ...fl 6 80,230 34 8,088 7,114 Clothing, (Men‘s) ............... . ... ‘ 8 39,873 70 14,030 18,225 :Fish, (presened).. . . .. 198 511,473 2,194 93.999 248,645 §Foundry and Machine Shop Products. .1 4 102,150 110 35,754 30,090 1.. Leather, tanned, curried and finished. 1 3 , 40,100 32 8,216 25,767 Hog Products. ........‘ 12 1 80,145 68 10,387 12,255 Lumber Products ................... ‘ 8 ‘ 223,500 95 30,772 49.406 Plumbing and Tinsniithing ............. j 5 34,050 34 7,888 29,336 Printing and Publishing ....... ..... . l 9 1‘ 111,152 117 23,428 23,221 Starch .................... . ..... l 6 1 58,400 85 1 3 280 35,100 All other Industries (1) i ......... .,..E 18 1 668,014 1 301 64, 711 375,8 73 (1) Includes :—1 Agricultural Implements; I Boot and Shoes; Light ; 2 Flouring and Grist Mill Products ; 2 Furniture and Upholstered Goods ; I Liquors (malt) ; 1 Monuments and Tombstones; Packing; 2 Tobacco (smoking and chewing and snuff) ; I Woollen Goods. 1 Condensed Milk ; I Cooperage ; I Gas Illuminating and Heating ; 1 Printing and Book—binding ; Output $ 2, 326,708 10,335 567,802 20.785 42,595 496,027 106,300 44,800 35,834 118,150 55,700 92,719 47,800 687,861 1 Electric 2 Slaughtering and Meat NOTE—Only establishments employing 5 hands and upwards, have been enumerated in the census of 1901. nomad“