mea'm. H's/zeries—valuc of yield since 1873—C0ni.

I882. $1,855.687 1897. $ 954,949 1883, 1,272,468 1898, 1,070,206 1884, 1,085,619 1899, 1,043,645 1885, 1,293,430 1900, 11.059193 1886, 1,141,991 1901, 1,050,623 1887, 1 1,037,426 1902, 887,024

Fishing and Game Laws. PRINCE EDWARD_ISLAND

The Dominion and Provincial Parliaments have passed laws to prevent the wanton destruction of fish and game, and for the establishment of close seasons.

The Dominion Trout-fishing regulations are as follows:—

In the Provinces of Nova Scotia. New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, no one shall fish for, catch, kill, buy, sell or possess any speckled trout, salmon trout, gray trout, white trout, lake trout, \vinanish, toag, land-locked salmon, or any other kind of trout from the 1st day of October to the 3lst day of March in each year, both days inclusive.

There are no other Government restrictions but on some streams parties hold fishing leases. Further information can be obtained from the resident Fishery Officers.


An Act passed by the Provincial Legislature in 1879 for the protection of game and fur-bearing animals together with an amendment in 1898 provides as follows :—

“None of the birds or animals hereinafter mentioned shall be taken or killed or attempted to be taken or killed within the periods hereinafter mentioned: 1. Partridge between the Ist day of December and the Ist day of October. 2. Wood cock and snipe between the ISt day of January and the 20th day of August. 3 Water fowl, which are known as wild duck, between the Ist day of March and the 25th day of August. 4. Hares 0r rabbits between the Ist day of March and the [st day of September. 5. Muskrat, martin or otter between the Ist day of May and the Ist day of November. The same shall not be had in possession, or offered for sale during the periods in which they are so protected—N0 eggs shall be had in possession
