fiwem‘m. Game Protedz'on.—szl.
nor shall wood-cock be killed before sunrise or after sunset. The penalty for breaches of the Act is a fine not exceeding $525 nor less than $5 for each bird, animal or egg.
An Act to protect wild fowl passed in 1884 prohibits the killing of any kind of wild fowl between sunset and sunrise, and the penalty for infractions of the same is $50.
Table of Distances.
* Table of Distances between Charlottetown and various points abroad, with, in some instances, the time required to make the journey in the summer season :—
From Charlottetown to : Miles Hours
Pictou. N. S. 60 Truro N 8. (via Pictou) 116 Hawkesbury, C. B (by water) 94 (via Pictou) 159 Louisburg, C. B., (via Hawkesbury) 5222 “ (via Pictou) 279 North Sydney, C. B. (Via Hawkesbury) 173 (via Pictou) 238 Halifax, N. S., (via Pictou) 165 10 (via Strait of Canso) 274 Windsor, N. S, (via Truro N. S.) 173 11 (via Halifax) 224 Yarmouth, N. S. (via Halifax) 375 Point du Chene, N. B., 90 5 Moneton, N. B., (via Point du Chene) 110 6 20 min. St. John, N. B., (via Point du Chene) 200 9 2o “ Fredericton, N. B. 269 12 St. Stephen, N. B. 284 13 Chatham, N. B. 192 Campbellton N B. 295 Dalhousie, N. B. 296 River du Loup, P. Q. 484 Point Levis, P. Q, 599 Quebec, (I. C. R.) 600 21 Montreal, (1. C. R.) . 772 24 “ (C. P. R.) 681 24 Ottawa, (C. A.) 887 27 “ (C. P. R.) 796 27
* ERRATUn—I’AGE 112, twelfth line, omit 16 [ 111 ]