married Miss Harriet Heal, of Somerset, England, whose father, Edward Heal, was coroner for Prince Edward Island and who lived at one time in the famous Red House, near Bay Fortune. To the subject and his wife have been born the following children, namely: William Henry, a farmer at Bay Fortune; Frederick, 'of Portland, Maine; Edward Whelon, of Boston, Massachusetts; Minnie, now Mrs. Archibald Montgomery, of Port Hill; Harriet Ella, at home; May; Mrs. J. Talbot Squarebridge, of East Bos- ton, Massachusetts; Ethel Maude, Mrs. George P. Walker, of Summerside; Ada, of Bay Fortune; Lillian, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Underhay, although supporters and regular attendants of the Presbyterian church, still adhere to the Church of Eng- land, the other members of the family hav— ing united with the Presbyterian church.

HERMAN MCDONALD, who owns and operates a productive farm in Lot 45, Kings county, and conducts a general mer- chandise store at Hermanville, was born at Clear Spring, Lot 44, and is a son of John Macdonald, Esq., who was a magistrate for many years in Kings county and who died in 1872, at the age of ninety years. He was born in I 782, at Naufrage, Lot 43, and spent his entire life in this province, devot- ing his active years to agricultural pursuits. The paternal grandfather, Donald Macdon- ald, Jr., was born at or near Perth, Scot- land, and came to Prince Edward Island in 1771 with Capt. John Macdonald’s colony and settled at Tracadie and subsequently removed to Naufrage, Lot 43. The pater- nal great-grandfather, Donald Macdonald, Sr., who lived and died in Scotland, was of


the clan Ronald. The paternal grandmother bore the maiden name of Sarah Macdonald and the subject’s mother was in her maiden- hood Christina McIntosh, a sister of John McIntosh, M. P., whose sketch appears else- where in this volume. To John and Cath- erine Macdonald were born the following children: Donald, who resides in Lot 44, was a member of the local Parliament in 1839 and several years thereafter for Kings county. He was a strong advocate of the abolition of the landlords’ titles and the sale of their land to the tenants; Herman is the subject of this sketch.

The latter received a good district school. education and, as before stated, has devoted his active years to farming and mercantile pursuits. He has resided on his present location for over a half century and prac- tically for the same length of time has served as postmaster. He is now, at the age of eighty-five years, in the enjoyment of remarkable health and takes an active part in business affairs, giving attention to every detail of his business. By a life of upright- ness and rectitude he has won the unquali- fied respect and esteem of the entire com- munity.

He married Miss Nancy McAuley, a daughter of Donald and Nancy (Macdon- ald) McAuley, the father a native of South Uist, Scotland, and the mother a daughter of Donald Macdonald, above mentioned as the subject’s grandfather. To Mr. and Mrs. McDonald have been born two children, John Alfred, a civil engineer and surveyor now employed on the new Trans-Continen- tal Railway. He is a graduate of Prince of Wales College; Agnes resides at Newton Center, Massachusetts. The subject and his family are all members of St. Margaret's Roman Catholic church and render a hearty