PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. 4$3 this sketch. The subject's father, Duncan Maclean , was born on the old homestead in 1825, educated in the district schools and followed farming, his death occurring in 1890. The subject of this sketch received a good education in the district schools of the community, supplementing this by attend¬ ance at Prince of Wales College, Charlotte - town, where he attended one Ire¬ land, and many years ago emigrated to Prince Edward Island , where he engaged in farming during the remainder of his life. He married Miss Mary O' Neill , also a native of Ireland, and to them were born twelve children. Mr - Murphy was a mem¬ ber of the Catholic church and in politics a supporter of the Liberal party. The subject's father, M. P. Murphy , who was also born in Wexford county. Ireland, and came to this Island with his parents, was educated in the district schools here and throughout his life devoted himself to farming pursuits, in which he was highly successful. He mar¬ ried Miss Ella Murphy , of Ireland, and to them were born the following children: John, Margaret. Bridget, Elizabeth. Mat¬ thew, Joanna, Thomas E ., Michael, Ana- stasia and Mary. Mr. Murphy was a mem¬ ber of the Catholic church and cast his vote with the Liberal party. He was a prominent agriculturist of the community and took an active part in the affairs of the agricultural society of which he was a member. Thomas E. Murphy received a good dis¬ trict school education and thereafter for a period of sixteen years was a speculator in produce, cattle, horses, etc., in which he was fairly successful. He then began farming on the place on which he now resides and has continued it ever since. He is the owner of three hundred and twenty acres of good land on which he has made about eight thou¬ sand dollars' worth of impn ivements, includ¬ ing a convenient, well arranged residence. substantial and commodious barns and other outbuildings and well kept fences. He car¬ ries on mixed farming and keeps such stock as may be necessary for the best conduct of the farm. He has been prominent in hie