496 PAST AND PRESENT OF adopted a boy, George Duggy . who has remained with them from boyhood, being now twenty-four years old. In politics Mr. Clark supports the Conservative party, fra¬ ternally he is a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and in religion belongs to the Roman Catholic church of par¬ ish. He is a man of many fine personal qualities and enjoys the high esteem of all who know him. been born one son, Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson are widely known in this locality where they have lived all their lives and they enjoy the ahsolute confidence and respect of all who know them. George Davidson , a successful farmer and miller living at Burlington , Prince county, was born at this place on March 17, 1866, a son of Frederick and Annie ( lett) Davidson, who were also natives of this Island. Joseph Davidson , the paternal grandfather, was a native of Scotland and in 1810 came to Prince Edward Island and here followed farming and milling through¬ out his life, which pursuit his son, the sub¬ ject's father, also follows. George Davidson attended the common schools in his youth and was reared to the life of a farmer, also learning milling under his Uncle Joseph Davidson 's instruction. He has devoted all the years of his active life to these pursuits and is accounted one of the successful business men of his com¬ munity. He is thoroughly familiar with every detail of his business and has been able to give it his personal supervision, to which h£ attributes in a large measure his success. In politics he is a Liberal, fraternally a mem¬ ber of the Independent Order of Foresters and in religion a member of the Methodist church. On November 10, 1897, Mr. David ¬ son married Miss Sheen , a daughter of Matthew and Martha (McKay) Sheen, both natives of this Island, and to this union has Daniel T. MacKay , M. D. , a leading member of his profession at Kensington , was born at Clifton, New London , Prince Edward Island , on November 25, 1868, and is a son .of George B. and Jessie (MacKay) MacKay, both also natives of Clifton, where the father successfully follows farm¬ ing; the mother died on January 21, 1905. The maternal grandparents, George and Ann ( Mcintosh ) MacKay, were natives of Eribol, Sutherlandshire, Scotland , as were the paternal grandparents, Hugh Bain and Elizabeth (Morrison) MacKay, who came to Prince Edward Island in 1815, and on the passage out received from a passing ship the first news of Napoleon Bonaparte 's defeat at Waterloo. Daniel T. MacKay received his elemen¬ tary education in the district schools and in 1884 entered Prince of Wales College, where he graduated in the following year and then engaged in teaching school, being employed one year at Springfield and two years at the Davis School at Summerside . In 1888 he entered the medical department of McGill University at Montreal, graduat¬ ing in 1892 with the degree of Doctor of Medicine and Master of Surgery. He then engaged in the practice of his profession one year at New London , at the end of which time he came to Kensington where he has since then been actively engaged. He has met with gratifying success from the start and is now enjoying a large and constantly