his tanning interests and engaged in bank- ing. Six or seven years later he admitted his son Benjamin to a partnership in the dry goods business, but after about six years the latter business was disposed of by sale and they dissolved partnership, Mr. Heartz, Sr., engaging again in the banking business, with which he remained identified until his resignation in 1900, at the age of eighty-five years, though at that time he enjoyed, and

still enjoys, excellent health, being quite ac-,

tive for one of his years. During his active years be occupied a conspicuous position in business affairs, being a director of the gas company and of several banking institutions. When a young man, he was made a justice of the peace and is now the oldest justice of the peace on the Island. For seventeen and a half years he served as a city councillor and occupied other positions of importance. He is the father of six children, three of whom are now living, namely: William, the eldest son, who has received the degree of Doctor of Divinity, is a leading clergyman and the president of the Nova Scotia Metho- dist conference; Sarah, who is the widow of the late Rev. William Perkins, resides in Charlottetown; and Mary Ann, wife of Dr. F. P. Taylor, a resident of Charlottetown. Benjamin Heartz, father of Frank R. Heartz, was born in Charlottetown in Sep; tember. 1845, and received his education in the public schools. In early life he was, as before stated, associated with his father in the dry goods business for about six years. and subsequently he was engaged as a pri- vate banker on Great George street, Char- lottetown, He demonstrated financial abili- ties of a high order and in January, 1897, he was appointed to the responsible position of president of the Merchants’ Bank of Prince Edward Island, and as the execu-


tive head of this institution he was eminently successful, the present position of this bank as one of the leading financial institutions of the Maritime Provinces being in great measure due to his knowledge of finance and his sound! judgment. For years he was senior partner in the firm of Matthew Mc- Lean & Company, at Souris. He was un- tiring in his energy and enterprise and be- came interested in a ten-thousand-acre ranch located at Alberta, which is stocked with a large number of Hereford and Shorthorn cattle. He also became one of the owners of the Ibex Mining Company, a gold proposi- tion of great known value located at Lad- ville, Colorado. Early in 1904 Mr. Heartz began ailing and, by the advice of his physi- cian, he sought the assistance of the best specialists obtainable, and at the beginning of the winter he went to California in the hope .that its milder climate might prove beneficial. All efforts were unavailing, how- ever, and he passed away on the 28th of De- cember, 1904. He enjoyed an extensive ac- quaintance among financiers and business men and by all was held in the highest regard.

Frank R. Heartz received a public school education, after which he attended Prince of Wales College, and later the Upper Can- ada College,>at Toronto. Upon the comple- tion of his college course, he returned to Prince Edward Island and entered the firm of Matthew, McLean & Company, at Souris, but five years later withdrew from the firm and came to Charlottetown. where he be- came interested in the McKay Woolen Com- pany, taking an active part in the manage- ment of the same. Four years later he be- came interested in the banking business which had been established by his father, and three years afterward became interested