with his father in the Alberta ranch, above referred to. Since his father’s death he has carried on this ranch, which is all under fence and supplied with excellent water. Mr. Heartz also conducts a private banking busi- ness in Charlottetown and, since his father’s death, he has become a director in and is vice-president of the Merchants’ Bank of Prince Edward Island, in which institution the family has been very heavily interested. This bank has now amalgamated with the Canadian Bank of Commerce, and Mr. Heartz continues as a director of this large bank. Mr. Heartz also owns a splendid farm of three hundred acres in the royalty of Charlottetown, and is particularly occu- pied in raising purebred Clydesdale horses, and is interested in the Colorado mining property of which his father had been one of the stockholders.

On September 25, 1895, Mr. Heartz was united in marriage to Miss Bessie Matthew, of Souris, a daughter of Uriah Matthew, of the firm of Matthew, McLean & Company, and to this union has been born one child, Frances Ruth.

ALDER BREHANT, a highly esteemed member of the bar at Charlottetown, was born at Murray Harbour South, Prince Ed- ward Island, on August 3, 1875, and is a son of George H. and Margaret (Mac- kinnon) Brehant, who are still living at Murray Harbour South. Mr. Brehant re ceived his education in the public schools at Murray Harbour South, Prince of Wales College. Charlottetown, and Dalhousie Uni- versity, Halifax, Nova Scotia. After leav< ing college he taught school for a short time. Afterwards he studied law in the oflice


of Hon. D. A. Mackinon, LL. B., K. C., now lieutenant governor of Prince Edward Island, and was admitted to the bar in 1900. He remained in the office of Mr. Mackinnon until 1903, when he opened an office in Georgetown, where he continued to reside until Mr. Mackinnon’s appointment to the Govemorship in 1904, when he took over the law practice of that distinguished gen- tleman. He has been successful in his prac- tice to a gratifying degree. He was ap- pointed stipendiary magistrate of Queens county in 1905. Fratemally he is connected with the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons and the Knights of Pythias.

GEORGE H. M. CARVER, a successful and enterprising merchant at Pownal, was born in Lot 48, Queens county, on February 9, 1859, the son of James and Ann (Judson) Carver. His father, James Carver, was born and reared in Lot 49 and early in life began the occupation of rigging vessels for Welch & Owen and for Mr. Davis, which he continued for some years. He then went to sea as a sailor, and he followed this occu- pation for about thirty years and subse- quently took up the occupation of farming, in which he engaged until within a short time of his death. He married Miss Arm Judson. a daughter of William Judson, of Alexandria, and to them were born ten children: Samuel, a farmer in Lot 48; Richard, of Pownal; Ellen, the wife of Moses Pearden, of Montague Bridge; \Vil— liam, of Mount Albion; Janie, the wife of William Brown, of Pownal; James C.. de- ceased; Lemuel, of Pownal; Emelia, the wife of Benjamin Myers. of Lot 48; George H. M., the subject of this sketch, and Her-