PRINCE EDWARD I SLA XI). 68; district schools in his yo"*h, and on reach¬ ing his maturity entered upon agricultural pursuits to which he has given some atten¬ tion during all his life. In 1902 he began the operation of a general store at Kensing¬ ton in which he has been successfully en¬ gaged ever since. He is a man of good busi¬ ness qualifications and his business trans¬ actions have been characterized by square dealing and the evident desire to please his customers, the result being that he now com¬ mands a large share of the local patronage. He has always taken a prominent part in local public affairs, giving his support to the Liberal party. In religion he is a member of St. Mary's Roman Catholic church. Mr. Hynes married Charlotte McKin- non, eldest daughter of the late Murdock McKinnon and Charlotte (Duff) McKin- non. The father, a large landowner and successful miller, was born in 1826, at Grand River , Lot 14. The mother was born at Fredericton , New Brunswick , in 1824, and was a daughter of the late Charles and Bar ¬ bara (Reid) Duff, who emigrated from Perthshire, Scotland , in 1804, and a sister of the late Justice Duff , of the of New Brunswick . Mr. and Mrs. Hynes have the following children: Justin, Win fred, Duff, Story, John and Jessie May. all at school. Mr. Hynes is an intelligent and progressive citizen, gives an active and hearty support to every measure calculated to advance the best in¬ terests of the community, and enjoys the high respect of all who know him. Lemuel Cambridge Hayden, who suc¬ cessfully operates a fine farm in Lot 50, was horn at Vernon River on August 11, 1842. The earliest ancestral record is of James Louis Hayden , Lemuel's paternal great¬ grandfather, who was a native of New York . During the war for Independence of the Colonies, he remained loyal to the Em¬ pire, and was forced to leave the Colonies. Coming to Prince Edward Island he located at (Lot 49, where he followed the trade of millwright. He was also a justice of the peace, performing many marriage ceremo¬ nies. He married a Miss Hoss . His son, James Hayden , Lemuel's grandfather, was born in Lot 49, and afterward moved to Vernon River , where he followed his fa¬ ther's trade, that of millwright, throughout life. To his marriage to Miss Auld , of Cove Head, were born four children: Isabella, the wife of John R. Burke ; Caro ¬ line, the wife of John Fletcher ; Ann, the wife of a Mr. Beaton , and James, Louis, fa¬ ther 1 >f I .emnel. James Hayden was a mem¬ ber of the Church of England, and in pplir tics was a Liberal. James Louis Hayden , father of the subject, was born at Vernon River in 1815, and was educated in the ppb? lie schools there. He was variously employed throughout life, having followed the occur pations of milling, ship building, farming and mercantile business in each of which he was fairly successful. He was a member of the Methodist church and in politics a Lib¬ eral. He married Margaret Furaess , a daughter of John Furness , a native of Eng¬ land, and a shipwright by trade, and to them were born eight children: Robert Auld ;. of Boston, Massachusetts ; Ann Maria ; Lem¬ uel C.; James Alexander , of California : John Furness , of Vernon River ; Benjamin Davis , deceased; Eliza, wife of Hayden Van Talestine: and Isabella, deceased. Lemuel C. Hayden attended the public schools at Vernon River and throughout his